Registration > Registration - Information

Registration will be open from 12.06 (early bird fee until 1.11.)

We kindly ask you to register on both our pages:

register here on scienceconf 

go here for payment


For any question relating to payment, please contact:


registration fees 2023 V2

  *Early bird registration goes until 1/11/2023. Registration fees include the 3-day conference package (coffe breaks and lunches included). To attend the Gala Dinner on December 5th an additional contribution of 30 € will be required during the registration process. All prices are excl. taxes. Payment can be done with credit card, bank transfer or purchase order (for French institutions).


Cancellation and refund policy: Registrations will not be refunded but will be carried over to the following year.


Special offer: 1 free student registration for 4 full-price registrations/lab

If you want to benefit from this special offer, please:

1) register all five people 

2) send an email to the secretariat and specify who are the five people and that they want to benefit from the offer "4+1"

3) we put the people together in one group and indicate that the student registration is for free

4) you can then proceed to pay by purchase order, credit card or wire transfer.


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